Building Your Inner Peace Muscles
Class One - September 10th, 2024
Class Survey - Things to contemplate this week:
1. How often do you pause in a day to breathe with awareness? Just breathe with focus...
2. How often do you pause to admire yourself? Just as you are...
Such as: "I did well today. I'm looking good today!. Yes, I've got this!
3. How often do you spend time doing something you love to do...something that fills you full?
4. How often do you spend time with people who lift you up?
5. How often are you in service doing for others with an open heart?
6. What brings you peace?
7. What hijacks your peace?
8. How do expectations (of yourself and others) play a roll in your life? How do they serve you? How do they
motivate you? Are they reasonable? Are they loving? Or, are they punitive?​​