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Join Nancy Evans for

The Quest for Inner Stillness

 Are Stress & Overwhelm Effecting the Quality of Your Life?

I've been hearing from a lot of people who are worried about all the things happening in our world. Some are saying they are having trouble sleeping or feeling worried and/or stressed about some difficulty in their life. They also share that it's affecting their relationships or some other aspect of their life.

It can definitely be hard to separate ourselves from the constant negative input from the news and other media. And yet, we want to be informed! So, what to do?

Recently, while having my morning cup of coffee, I felt the urge to ask just that question and immediately was inspired with the content of this class series. I've been "taking" the class myself and am confident that it will help you to access and live in inner stillness with greater ease.

The Quest for Inner Stillness

This Experience is Offered as a Three Week Series on Zoom 
Tuesdays, April  30th - May 14th
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Tuition: $89.00

You will receive links to prerecorded class content after each session including a separate recording for meditations when offered, so no worries if you can't attend all the classes in person. This will give you unlimited access to the content and meditations forever.

How will this Serics Help You?

When there is balance between inner stillness and movement, its highest expression is a life of vitality with awareness.

Focused awareness makes it possible to avoid reactivity and to stay above whatever may be showing up to hijack your peace. This class helps you to explore your patterns of responding to stressful situations and to practice awareness with discernment in your daily life.

This is a powerful journey of self-discovery and an opportunity for choosing to create and live life as you choose it to be.

Here's What We Will ExploreTogether

Week 1: Tidying up...

  • What's hijacking your peace?

  • The influence of perspectives

  • Identifying the linchpin

  • Guided meditation to let go and rebuild

Week 2:  Strengthening Your Foundation

  • Working with (not through) resistance

  • Assessing and building your resources

  • Transforming judgment into discernment and acceptance

  • Guided Meditation to strengthen your foundation

Week 3:  Bringing forth and Integrating Inner Stillness

  • Organizing your practice of living within stillness

  • Go-to recovery practices when you lose your peace

  • Allowing the peace of inner stillness to integrate and heal you

  • Guided Meditation to facilitate integration and healing

It's Easy to Register! 

I would love to share this journey with you!

- Nancy

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