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Learn the Art of Channeling

Your Gateway to Easier and More Graceful Living

Fort Collins, CO

Friday and Saturday, March 21st and 22nd

9:00 am - 5:00 pm each day

Best Western Hotel

Tuition: $290.00

Class is limited to 10 Students!


This class series will teach you how to consciously communicate with your personal spirit guide. You will also learn how to perceive, understand and align with the higher aspects of you, your soul, and spirit.

Ft Col 1st Art of Channeling class flyer 03.21.25.jpg

Click on flyer to see full size

About the Art of Channeling

Cheerful young Indian woman meditating on lounge chair at home, keeping zen fingers with c

"Channeling" is the natural process you've already experienced anytime you've gone within to ask yourself for higher information and received a feeling, sensation, intuitive knowing, or premonition.


That kind of intuitive connection, or channeling, works because it is YOU having a conversation with YOU! That is, you are conversing with the SOUL OF YOU that encapsulates the infinite love, perspective, wisdom, and knowledge that your Soul yearns to share with you.


This unique class is designed to surprise you with how easily and quickly you can develop the ability to access the information, support, and gifts that your Soul wishes to offer you. You will gain a consciously aware relationship with your Soul such that you will be able to ask questions of it and receive its insightful responses.


Being able to achieve an aware, attuned, relationship with your Soul has always been Spirit's and your Soul's plan. It is, in fact, your birthright! Why? Because you have always been ONE with your Spirit and Soul. You are Spirit-in-form!​​​​​​​​

The Benefits of Channeling

What do you have to gain from learning how to attune yourself with your Soul or a Spirit Guide? You gain your own personal Spiritual Guidance System that is always accessible to you and sourced from the highest of the high!




  • Your Soul, as well as any high-level Spirit Guide approved by your Soul, has infinite perspective and information about you and what may be helpful to you as you navigate your life.

  • Your Soul and Spirit Guide can access your past, present, and various probable futures and, from those perspectives, can share wise counsel with you that supports your own autonomous decision-making.

  • Souls and High Guides will NEVER hinder the power and dominion that belong to humans. That's a prime directive from Creator itself! Rather, Souls and High Guides love, never judge, and deftly support and gently guide humans to easier, happier, and more successful living and spiritual growth.

HowThis Channeling Program was Created

How this "Art of Channeling" learning program came to be is a story in itself! It evolved from Nancy and Robert resolutely pursing their own spiritual journeys, including their being led to discover how to consciously and powerfully attune themselves to their Souls and Spirit Guides.


With the support of their Souls and Guides, the Evans' lives quickly evolved in wonderous ways. From the mundane to the esoteric, their daily living, as they put it, "Began to sparkle with everyday miracles. And it's never stopped."


Nancy and Robert have prioritized teaching these channeling classes because it is the quickest and easiest skill a person can learn that effectively empowers them to achieve greater spiritual growth and happier, more successful daily living.


This two-day learning program was collaboratively created by Nancy and Robert and the Spirit Guide Team they work with, who call themselves the In-Spirit Team. Yes, their "meetings" are beyond fun and inspirational!​​

It's More than Just a Weekend Class...

It's an Ongoing Support Community!

In these critical times, it's imperative that as many people as possible achieve a conscious relationship with their Soul and Spirit Guide. Doing so will help them embrace the hope, inspiration, and tangible self-empowerment they will need for their spiritual journey. That is, as they learn to elevate their everyday lives, and offer support to others where that is appropriate.


With that in mind, our Art of Channeling "alumni" are invited to join us in the following ongoing activities:


  • Monthly Newsletter - We offer a monthly newsletter to alumni with uplifting insights, announcements, and "best practices" modeling and insights from fellow students.

  • Monthly Support On-Line Gathering - In addition to the newsletter, we will host a monthly gathering of alumni (at no charge/donation welcome) that will focus on sharing support and continuing education. The In-Spirit team will be present to offer insights and answer your questions.

  • Half-Price for Repeating the Training - Space permitted, our alumni are welcome to repeat this 2-day Art of Channeling training at half-price. FYI, the content of every class will vary because it is adjusted to current attendees and other variables of what energetically is going on.

  • Our Monthly In-Spirit Team Zoom Gathering - You are also welcome to attend, and/or invite your friends to, the long-standing Spirit Talk channeling event we offer each month with our In-Spirit team. The In-Spirit Team always offers some introductory messaging, and then invite attendees to ask any questions they wish. The fee is a donation.

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