Meet Mary Dravis-Parrish
Mary is our Office Manager Extraordinaire at Thrive and works with and coordinates our community partnerships. Mary brings the experience of creating and growing her own business to helping Thrive grow and is behind the social media outreach for Thrive.
Bringing her former experience of creating and growing her own business has been invaluable to helping Thrive grow, particularly with her social media outreach.
Mary's gifts and talents to the Core Team of Thrive School for Practical Spirituality are her latest contribution and one for which she is over the moon excited. She has over 15 years of working with parents and clients to bring about lasting changes for her clients. She has spoken at several conferences offering tools and insights to inspire and help others to form loving relationships with self and others, especially parents and early childhood educators.
Mary's earlier career before entering into her own practice, was as an educator for children with special needs for 18 years.​ A native of Colorado, Mary lives in Loveland. She makes time to enjoy reading, hiking, biking, needlework, visiting with friends, and keeping caught up with the activities of her growing family.