Multidimensional Wellness Inventory & Spiritually Centered Wellness Coaching with Beit Gorski, MA, LPC
Free Event!
Friday, September 8th - 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
in Person at Thrive!

Tired of hearing about "self-care" like it's just one more thing you're not doing right?
You are a multidimensional person with a multidimensional life, and you deserve supportive services that honor and reflect your values, identities, and experiences.
To gain a clearer view of your wellness and to sample this new service now offered at Thrive, join Beit for this FREE community workshop!
Beit is a somatic-psychotherapist and wellness coach and is now offering multidimensional wellness inventory consultations and coaching on Saturdays at Thrive.
Learn to do Reiki Energy Work in Private Sessions on Zoom!
Join Nancy for this fabulous opportunity to learn to offer Energy Work for the benefit of yourself and others in three private 90-minute sessions for each level on zoom! You can take Reiki Levels One, Two, and/or Three in this format!
These sessions can be scheduled on line with Nancy at your convenience and you can learn in the comfort of your own space!
In Level One you will learn:
1. The nature of healing energy
2. How thoughts and emotions affect our energy field
3. Using the power of intention to focus energy
4. How to access and focus loving energy for healing
5. Hand positions for self-healing
6. How to provide healing energy for others in person
7. How to provide healing energy from a distance
8. The recorded history of Reiki
9. Reiki Attunements
Receive 3 - 90 minute training sessions for each level for $130.00 each or purchase a package for $350.00 and save $40.00. Plus, include a friend to take the training with you for FREE!
An Uplifting Evening
of Creation!
To be a true human is to be an expression of Spirit. To be an expression of Spirit is to be full of creativity and joy, Come experience first hand how uplifting joyful creativity can be!

Friday May 26th - 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
in Person at Thrive!
This monthly "You Got This! Uplifting Conversations Series is designed to help you breathe in and celebrate the IN-SPIRIT-ATIONAL JOY that is your divine birthright!
Our presenters are:
Chelsea Glanz - Artist/Creativity Teacher
Jonathan Sadler - Musician/Handpan Drum
Miriam Gassman - Laughter Yoga Leader
Jonathan Sadler
Seating is limited! Please register to attend this event!
Our LAST FRIDAY events are always for no fee but with a donation for one of our community nonprofits requested the evening of. Donations for this event go to Aspire 3D - Loveland Housing Authority. Thank you for supporting them!
First Friday Spirit-Talks with
Nancy & Robert
Friday, September 1st - 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
in Person at Thrive!

Let Your Soul be Your Guide!
Did you know that your soul can be your guide for bringing you more health and happiness? This month's Spirit Talk Channeled Series will show you how you can connect with your soul in deep and meaningful ways.
Come learn about your amazing Soul! And bring questions you'd like to ask YOUR Soul!
Seating is limited so please register by clicking the link below.
1st time attending is free and after that a $20.00 contribution at the door is appreciated.
Beyond the Book Study - Let's Talk with God!
How do you talk to God/the Divine/Spirit/ Source/Universe?
Whatever your preference happens to be, how do you know that you are heard? Or, have you given up trying to have a conversation, thinking that no one was listening?
What if you could talk with God and feel guidance, support, and inspiration?
In this small group, Beyond the Book Study Class, we will be reading and discussing the book, Conversations with God - Book One by Neale Donald Walsch. With support, you will explore your own methods, questions, answers and insights from these deep and thought provoking conversations.
Being a spiritual being, you innately have a direct connection to the Spirit world. Unfortunately, many of us have not been taught how to access that connection. You are invited to join this Beyond the Book Study as we explore together the messages from the Divine.

What you need to know:
Study meets via zoom for 90 minutes.
Mondays - July 10th to July 31st 7-8:30 PM MT
Price - $67 does not include the book. Available on Amazon or your favorite book store.
Group size limited to 12 participants.
This class includes: 4 weekly sessions, the recording, and a chat room to follow up with each week. As a group, we will discuss a section of the book and then explore different methods of talking with God as inspired by the book. It is suggested that you read the section of the book that we will be discussing beforehand.
Your Facilitator:
Mary Dravis-Parrish, Parent Empowerment Coach, Energy Practitioner and Continuous Seeker of Fulfilled Living!
Mary upped her spiritual journey after the death of her son and found that there was still much living and joy to be experienced. She shares with others the opportunity to make those connections through her one-on-one sessions as well as classes and group sessions.
First Friday Spirit-Talks with
Nancy & Robert
Friday, September 1st - 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
in Person at Thrive!

Let Your Soul be Your Guide!
Did you know that your soul can be your guide for bringing you more health and happiness? This month's Spirit Talk Channeled Series will show you how you can connect with your soul in deep and meaningful ways.
Come learn about your amazing Soul! And bring questions you'd like to ask YOUR Soul!
Seating is limited so please register by clicking the link below.
1st time attending is free and after that a $20.00 contribution at the door is appreciated.
An Uplifting Evening
of Creation!
To be a true human is to be an expression of Spirit. To be an expression of Spirit is to be full of creativity and joy, Come experience first hand how uplifting joyful creativity can be!

Friday May 26th - 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
in Person at Thrive!
This monthly "You Got This! Uplifting Conversations Series is designed to help you breathe in and celebrate the IN-SPIRIT-ATIONAL JOY that is your divine birthright!
Our presenters are:
Chelsea Glanz - Artist/Creativity Teacher
Jonathan Sadler - Musician/Handpan Drum
Miriam Gassman - Laughter Yoga Leader
Jonathan Sadler
Seating is limited! Please register to attend this event!
Our LAST FRIDAY events are always for no fee but with a donation for one of our community nonprofits requested the evening of. Donations for this event go to Aspire 3D - Loveland Housing Authority. Thank you for supporting them!
Original Text from home page:
Our mission is to provide affordable, quality acupuncture services to Northern Colorado communities! We believe in the power of wellness to transform lives and communities. Partnering with nonprofit and
for-profit businesses, we help everyone receive the care they need to get well and stay well.
Thank YOU for helping introduce us to individuals and organizations in need!
Beginners Tai Chi Class with Dee
Tuesdays @ 7 pm - 8 pm
Starts June 6th - September 5th
Location: Thrive CommUnity Acupuncture
Tai Chi Chuan (or simply Tai Chi) is a movement practice rooted in qigong, martial arts and meditation. Practicing Tai Chi helps to invigorate the movement of qi, strengthen the root, and bring more mindfulness to your life.
This will be a 13-week class covering the first section of the Yang style Tai Chi Chuan form as taught by Professor Cheng Man Ching (or CMC style), also referred to as the “First Third”. This is a self contained form that can be practiced on its own and is the foundation of the full form for students wanting to continue.
Class limited to 6 students
Covid-19 vaccination required
$195 for the full 13 weeks

Tai Chi Level 2 Class
Thursdays @ 7 pm - 8 pm
Starts June 8th - September 7th
Location: Thrive CommUnity Acupuncture
This will be a 13 week class, continuing the Yang style Tai Chi Chuaan form as taught by Professor Cheng Man Ching (or CMB style.) The next series of movements will be taught along with a deepening into fundamentals.
Class limited to 6 students
Covid-19 vaccination required
​$195.00 for full 13 weeks.