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Freedom from Fear Series

Beyond Taking Sides...

Annoyed people sitting back to back with arms crossed in studio. Irritated boyfriend and g

To those of you who attended our last Freedom from Fear Event in August, YOU INSPIRED US AGAIN! 


​So, are you ready to dive in even deeper to a topic that is rich with challenges, begging for evolution, and capable of changing your life to the better?


Each of us was faced with many choices soon after our birth, with most of us learning quickly that "taking sides" not only got us what we wanted, it also kept us safe. Hence, we tended to develop a strong and reliable habit of choosing one side over another. An unfortunate, even if useful, survival tactic.

This tendency to "choose sides" has played out in humanity's fixation on fearfulness, distrust, judging others, playing favorites, pitting one person or group against another, creating needless toxicity in personal and family relationships, and more. All this generates a predictable atmosphere of "us" and "them,"  which usually plays out as "us against them," whether we are talking about one's family, community, or nation.


We're interested in exploring how this habit of taking sides gets "baked" into the human and how destructive it can be in our lives. And most of all, we're interested in igniting and expanding the insights, beliefs and behaviors that can replace fear with freedom, distrust with communion, and doubt with inner knowing;


We invite YOU to come explore and expand with us!

Please join Mary, Robert, Nancy, and Jenifer with our Thrive Spiritual School team

on Friday, October 11th

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm in person at Thrive!​​

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We look forward to sharing this time with you!

There is no charge for this event, donations are accepted.
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