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Book Study Group with Mary and Beckie!

Join us at Thrive Community Acupuncture for this fun and enlightening journey of self-discovery!

Meets on Wednesdays, May 1st to June 12th - 7 weeks
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm - Limit 10 participants
Includes book discussion, guidance and meditations
Fee - $59.00 - Book purchased separately by each participant
Your facilitators are: Mary Dravis-Parrish and Beckie Wagner


The Invitation

Have you ever heard the song “This little light of Mine”?  Can you envision yourself as a candle sending light out into the world?


In David Karchere’s book “Becoming a Sun” he takes that concept and magnifies it many times by telling us how we can literally become a sun and have that much influence in our world! Not only does he help us remember who we really are as energy beings but he helps us remember the significant impact we can have on our world.  And if ever there was a time when we need transformative energy in the world, it is today.

Through poetry, prose, and story David helps us remember who we are as creators and our potential when we recognize that relationship with our true selves. In the book, you are introduced to 7 steps which are built upon the 7 spirits of the Endocrine system of the body. The book is designed to be an operator's guide to the evolution of human consciousness. 
You are invited to join a small group of seekers as we read this book together over a 7 week period.  Through meditation, sharing, and thoughtful searching, we will explore how we can all ‘Become a Sun’ together and remember who we truly are and why we are here. 

About Your Facilitators

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Beckie Wagner is a spiritual seeker, energy worker, creator and practitioner of ritual, a participant in intentional community, a grandmother and enthusiastic lover of life on this planet! She is committed to sharing with the world what she knows of remembering who we are as creator beings, who we were created to be, and how we can create the new earth through our remembering!


Beckie holds certifications in Integrative Alignment and Attunement modalities. She also brings with her years of experience creating, planning and leading ceremonies from an earth-based spiritual focus. Beckie also has extensive experience leading small groups to facilitate personal growth. Working together, we can learn to listen deeply to one another, trust others and ourselves more deeply, and learn interrelationship skills that serve us in our everyday world. She invites you who are reading this to join her and Mary on this journey of remembering and Becoming a Sun, a light unto this world.


Mary Dravis-Parrish is currently an administrative manager at Thrive Community Acupuncture. In addition, she is a member of the core administrative team for Thrive School for Practical Spirituality, bringing her experience in creating and growing her own Be You Parent coaching and energy work practice. She is certified in group consciousness facilitation and enjoys sharing various methods of accessing one’s own remembering of who they are here to be on this journey.


Mary has spoken at several conferences offering tools and insights to inspire and help others to form loving relationships with self and others, especially parents and early childhood educators. On her journey, she has experienced the joy that comes after enduring loss and tragedy, and reigniting the light that shines within. She is delighted to co-host this book study group with Beckie Wagner to introduce the reality of Becoming a Sun. 

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